How to Unclog Drains? Five Effective Ways to Unclog Drains

Find Out the Five Most Effective Ways to Unclog Drains


There is nothing worse than walking up to a sink full of dirty water brimming up to the edge isn’t it? Even though you might think there are worse things in life to deal with, this pretty much sums up my worst fears when maintaining a house right next to dirty carpet cleaning and leaking roofs.

There are times a plunger would work and there are times they just won’t. These are the time we really lose it! But is getting yourself all worked up over a clogged drain really worth it when you have great options to avoid and deal with it?

Try these the next time you see last night’s chicken bits and oregano floating around in your kitchen sink. (blechhh)

Baking soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and Vinegar

Basically the code for “life-saver” in these situations. Mix up 1/3 of Vinegar with 1/3 a cup of Baking Soda. It will fizz immediately and make sure you pour it down the pipes immediately letting it fizz as it moves down the pipes. This action will remove the grime and the gunk, the hair and the moss built up along the inside of the pipes.

Boiling Water

Boiling Water

Works amazingly well even though it sounds so simple. Make sure to pour it down in three stages with several seconds in between. The easiest and the quickest way to unclog the drains, repeating this method once in a week can avoid the drains from clogging.

Caustic Soda

How to Unclog Drains?
Caustic Soda

Also known as Sodium Peroxide, this works like a magic. Mix ¾ gallon of cold water with 3 cups of sodium peroxide (wearing gloves!). Mix this with a wooden spoon and pour this down the drains. It will begin to fizz and heat up and then you may pour this down the drains. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and flush it down the drain with boiling water to unclog the drains.

The Drain Snake

The Drain Snake

A simple piece of equipment, the drain snake works wonders with a clogged drain. Basically a long flexible metal rope with a spiral metal head at one end. You can buy this from, well, anywhere!

Dish Detergent

Dish Detergent

You can also try pouring down dish detergent down the clogged drain. Detergent will act as a lubricant to break up the greasy build-in. You may wash it down with hot boiling water afterwards. You can start plunging right after!


Happy unclogging !

