Feng Shui Colors to Optimize Your Home’s Positive Energy


Feng shui is an ancient Eastern practice of arranging items in such a way as to create the maximum healthy and positive flow of energy. Although it has been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years, fengshui has become a more desirable methodology for interior design in recent years, and all over the globe. The use of fengshui colors in your home and décor will definitely affect the energy throughout your space, so it is important to choose those colors, and their use, with care.

In this article, we’ll discuss a variety of basic colors and what they mean to the fengshui color spectrum. We’ll also provide examples of how to use each of these colors effectively. You might be surprised at how simple it is to improve the energy flow of your entire home by the incorporation of fengshui colors alone. The key is balance and customization to your style, your space, and yourself.

Feng Shui Color Red

In fengshui, red color represents romance and love, courage, and passion. Red is the strongest color representation of the fire element, which supports life energy. It’s not surprising, then, that red is an active, energizing color…which can also be draining if overused. It’s no mistake that red has been associated with an increase in blood pressure. In Chinese, red is the color of happiness and luck; India uses red for marriage; Western areas associate red with love, passion, and courage.

Red is used, with care, in a variety of spaces in the fengshui home, particularly the front door, kitchen, and dining room (because it is an energizer and appetite stimulant).

Feng Shui Color Pink

The color pink, in the fengshui scheme, represents love, but a more sweet and gentle type of love than red’s passionate, romantic love. Pink is part of the fire element’s representation. As the universal color of love and a delicate shade in and of itself, fengshui pink has a beautifully softening effect on any space…and a soothing effect on any person.

Pink works well in any space in the home where a soft, sweet infusion of energy is needed. This includes the entryway, the family room, and even the laundry room.

Feng Shui Color Orange

Orange is fengshui’s color of choice when sociality, optimism, and openness are sought. Orange is also a part of the fire element color family and, as such, is an excellent option for when the energy from vibrant red needs to be downscaled a bit. The appeal of orange is universal and not tied to a particular climate or season – it represents the bright, carefree freedom of summertime, yet it just as seamlessly reminds us of cozy, firelit winter evenings.

Orange helps to promote conversation and social interaction, which makes it an ideal color for public rooms such as the family room and dining room.

Feng Shui Color Salmon

Salmon is a popular fengshui color that uniquely balances earth and fire elements. This harmonious combination of orange-yellow and orange-red is used in fengshui to point to the heart of a space. Salmon affects a sense of plenty and, like its orange parent, encourages conversation and connection.

Salmon can easily and seamlessly be used in fengshui’s public spaces that encourage connection and creativity, such as a family room, as well as private spaces that thrive on one-on-one connection, such as a bedroom.

Feng Shui Color Yellow

Feng shui yellow is happy, nourishing, and hopeful. Depending on which direction your yellow tint or tone is headed, yellow is part of the fire or earth element in fengshui. Earth energy yellows are more than just sunshiney globs of smiles, though. Yellow provides a sweet infusion of cheer, hope, clarity, and creativity. The fengshui color aids in mental acuity while providing stability and nurturing vibes.

Yellow works well as its warm, cozy, welcoming self in a fengshui kitchen or living room. Of course, you’ll need to choose your yellow hue(s), and quantities, with care to strike the best balance.

Feng Shui Color Green

Green is the fengshui representation of life, health, and growth. Green is part of the wood element family of colors. Found all throughout nature, green associates with growth, with its inherent motivation and action toward positive change. In fengshui, green is used to represent renewal, freshness, and rejuvenating energy. Balance is achieved – a key component of successful fengshui – with green’s deep-rooted place in the natural world.

When using green as a fengshui color, it is recommended that you broaden your usage and include various shades of green, rather than stick to a single hue. This will provide the well-roundedness and balance that is green’s forte.

Feng Shui Color Turquoise

Feng shui turquoise is a mixed blend of blue and green. As such, it possesses attributes of both wood and water elements. From blue, turquoise gets its reflective, considerate characteristics. From green, turquoise evokes life and stimulated growth.

Turquoise is an excellent fengshui decorating color in spaces that allow for, and even encourage, growth and forward movement. This includes living rooms, mud rooms, and home offices.

Feng Shui Color Blue

Feng shui blue is associated with peace, serenity, and calmness. As the primary color for water element, blue is a favorite fengshui color. There is a limitless potential when using blue in your fengshui space – from pale blue skies to aquamarine seas to indigo twilight. Blue is associated with a calming physical reaction, including slowed heart rate and breathing. Blue is excellent at inspiring contemplation, meditation, creativity, and privacy.

Blue is used in fengshui decorating especially in bagua areas of health (east), money (southeast), and career North.

Feng Shui Color Lavender

Lavender is a blend of soft blues and purples and most often associates with water element. It’s more like a still pool, though, than a rushing river, because lavender is calming and spiritual. Quiet contemplation arise from fengshui’s use of lavender, as does the minimization of chaos and flurries of activity.

Lavender is a wonderful fengshui color choice for places that seek spiritual peace or a calming of stressful situations, particularly the bedroom and perhaps home office.

Feng Shui Color Purple

Purple is fengshui’s representation of mystery, nobility, and royalty. Purple is most often part of fire element’s color family, although certain hues can be more closely tied to earth element. With such a rich inherent nature, purple is used sparingly and strategically in fengshui spaces (with the exception of a meditation room, where fengshui recommends you freely use the intensity of purple).

It is recommended, due to its high visual potency, that purple be incorporated into a fengshui space via smaller components rather than a whole wall. Purple pillows, window treatments, or small-scale artwork, for example, work well to minimize the shock potential of purple in overuse.

Feng Shui Color White

White is the fengshui color of purity, freshness, and new beginnings. It is a representation of fengshui’s metal element, which is just as closely associated with care, focus, and precision as it is innocence. White is crisp and organized; as the keeper of all the other colors, white presents itself as a clean slate, upon which to project your own paradigm.

All-white spaces have seen an increase in popularity in recent years, although the trend is beginning to move toward more color. Feng shui white can be restorative in a space, but it might not be the right choice for every room in your house. Consider tempering white with natural light and punctuations of color, even soft colors.

Feng Shui Color Grey

Grey, as the mix of white and black, is the ultimate neutral, remaining clear and detached. In fengshui, grey is part of metal element’s coloring. Once considered boring and an uninspiring lack of anything better, grey has become the contemporary world’s most popular neutral. Depending on its undertones, grey can read as warm and relaxing or cool and sophisticated. Grey is an excellent fengshui color because of its adaptability.

Grey works best in fengshui’sbagua map for areas of creativity (west), helpfulness (northwest), and career (north).

Feng Shui Color Brown

In fengshui, brown represents stability, strength, and grounding forces. Brown is a color of wood element and, though replaced by grey as a preferred neutral in recent years, is seeing a decided comeback because of its nourishing energy and downright goodness.

Brown is easily used in any room of a fengshui home or space, due to its easygoing and supportive natural + neutral tendencies.

Feng Shui Color Black

Black, as the absorber of all other colors, is fengshui’s unknown and infinite color. Black represents water element, which makes sense when you consider that deep water is not blue but rather black. Black color, as void as it may seem, actually adds depth and strength to any space through its defining fengshui role. Energy will be directed and guided through a careful use of the color black.

Black does well in any space in fengshui, including the entryway, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. It is recommended, however, that black not be used on ceilings or in nurseries, due to its powerful aesthetic.
